Course Syllabus
This 10 Module online training is packed with cutting edge technology.
Ā This includes:
- Modules 1-5 Foundations /Ā Module 6-8 Technique /Ā Module 9-10 After the extraction
- Each Module has 4 topics
- Each Topic has 1 PDF/ 1 Voice Note / Video
- 10 x 30 minutesĀ Private Sessions with a Certified practitionerĀ
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Foundations. THE TRUTH
Module 1
If you can get your head around this first module, you are never going to go back to the old way of thinking... YOU CAN'T......This is the TRUTH.

Module 2
What happens in our minds when a memory is triggered? This process leaves us unconscious and NOT present.
In this module, we explore what happens in our body, to our language, and our mistaken beliefs, when we do the F.I.X. Code technique on others or experience this for ourselves.

Module 3
How does the Metaphorical device called the F.I.X. Code Technique work?
Learn about Rapport, Harmony, and Tonality. How do you access your workspace and why?
What are Triggers and what role do they play in our emotions?

Module 4
In this module, we learn how MetaPrograms work and how each developmental stage in growing from birth onward are fertile ground for the beginnings of our negative emotions. Find out why we use this knowledge in the Technique.
What is a root cause? Why is it called that and what is its importance within the structure of this brand new technique?
What is Pattern Interrupt and when is it used?

Module 5
Foundations' module will solidify your knowledge and prepare you for the Technique and the next 5 modules.
How do you find the Code so you can ask the Magic Question? What is the proper way to ask the question and why?
Is it fear or emotion? What is the difference and why does it really matter? Why don't we need the content?
And most importantly, how do you set up the process for success. Super cool...is that energy with the hands or what exactly is happening?

Module 6-7-8
Get ready...This is where the real FUN starts. Watch the opening Intro and learn why it is necessary.
Watch the video of Daniel doing the Setup.
Learn the Technique:
-Why we say what we say
-You will learn the subtleties of the Technique
-Gain the knowledge and feel confident with your client
-Practice with your friend. Become competent with this amazing new technique.

Module 9
What is happening after the session?
Has this worked? How will I know?
Physical changes in the client's behavior that indicate success
Other changes

Module 10
What is happening after the work? Learn about:
- Big Bully in the Playground
- Links to Memories are Gone
- Justification
- Being HUMBLE.
- Signs beliefs are Falling Apart
- How to become a Certified Pr

To become a Certified F.I.X. Code Practitioner is simple yet very profound.
You are required to:
Work with 10 Volunteers
Each Volunteer must have 8x 30 minute sessions
Each Volunteer must submit to you a testimonial ( written/ voice note/ video) as proof of their 4 sessions
And your final exam is to submit a video recording of you performing the technique with a volunteer from Set-Up to Justification for Daniels review.
Stacey Nye
Master Trainer
Leading Expert in the F.I.X. Code Technique. Master Trainer and creator of the Online Training.
Co-Founder of the F.I.X. Code Centre of LearningĀ
Stacey's BioDaniel Flear
Creator and Founder of The F.I.X. Code Technique and President of the Center of Learning and Healing
Daniels Blue Light Story